I have quite a few documents detailing Carl's time in the military, which is fortunate, because his journey from recruit to captain seems quite unlikely for a high school graduate with no special skills. He enlisted in January, 1942 (waiting to be drafted, he explained, meant that he wouldn't get to choose where he went) as a private. He loved planes, so he chose the Army Air Forces, aware that he couldn't be a pilot, but hoping to be made a tail gunner. He somehow skipped the rank of private entirely and rapidly made his way up to Staff Sergeant, then enrolled in Officer Candidate School. He was discharged a captain in January, 1946. Quotes from various documents follow-- all caps are original.
I have a document entitled, Honorable Discharge from the Army of the United States, certifying that Carl W. Kraft, Staff Sergeant, is "hereby HONORABLY DISCHARGED from the military service of the UNITED STATES... to accept Commission as Second Lieutenant in Army of United States. When enlisted he was 24 11/12 years of age and by occupation a Clerk. He had Brown eyes, Black hair, Ruddy complexion, and was 5 feet 10 1/2 inches in height. Given under my hand at Miama Beach, Florida this 27th day of October, one thousand nine hundred and forty-two."
Carl seems to have gone to the Army Air Forces Technical Training Command in Miami Beach, Florida for Officer Candidate School. He gave me a sort of yearbook for his time there, which begins with these words, scribed by Lieutenant General H.H. Arnold: "As members of the United States Armed Forces, you do not have to be told of the magnitude and importance of the task that lies before you.
"At every base, station, and training field of the United States Army Air Forces, you are preparing yourselves for the great test of arms which will prove that the forces of democracy can destroy the evil power of the totalitarian nations."
Carl's photo is on a page for Squadron 22:
The next document is a DIPLOMA for the Army Air Forces Officer Candidate School, certifying that "Carl Wilkerson Kraft has satisfactorily completed the course prescribed the the Army Air Forces and Given at Officer Candidate School, Miami Beach, Florida... Given on this Twenty-Eight day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and forty-two."
Carl was then apparently assigned to Santa Ana Army Air Base in Santa Ana, California, and became an Instructor of Air Recognition. He is listed in a sort of yearbook there, under "Training and Operations":
The next document reads: "Army of the United States CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE. This is to certify that Carl W. Kraft Capt Bakersfield Calif honorably served in active Federal Service in the Army of the United States from 19 January 1942 to 21 January 1946."
This is the top of his certificate of service, which has been placed into a photo album with a photo of Carl and other officers. Carl is second from the left. The back of the photo is labeled Santa Ana Army Air Base Class Dec. 1942.
The final document is difficult to read, with very fancy typography, but the top reads THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and states that "resposing special trust and confidence in the patriotism, valor, fidelity and abilities of Carl Wilkerson Kraft, I do appoint him Captain, Air Corps in the Army of the United States.... He will enter upon active duty under this commission only when specifically ordered to such active duty by competent authority. Done at the City of Washington, this ninth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and forty-seven." I would guess this placed him into the reserves.
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